Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Make your own Rocket Stove

Rocket Stoves
info from Wendy DeWitt 
(I believe she was introduced to the Rocket Stove while she was visiting in Portland doing the presentation for our Stake)

These are just a few of the many versions of a rocket stove and on the top left is a rocket oven. Rocket stoves, because of their design, allow you to use 75% less fuel (wood) than a normal fire and will be invaluable in your food storage. I was able to boil 2 cups of water for 20 minutes using just a handful of small sticks and a match. Rocket stoves come in all sizes but the idea is the same. You can buy them or make your own. Making your own will cost under $20. A version of the one pictured on the right can be made for almost nothing. (Notice the large flame being created with just a few sticks.)
You will need:
A number 10 can (#10 can)
4 (10 ounce) soup chicken noodle or tomato soup
Ashes or vermiculite for insulation A small grate or rack Tin snips and gloves
Using a can opener, open the #10 can and empty the contents, keeping the lid you cut off. Cut a hole the exact size of the soup can into the side of your #10 can near the bottom. (This is where the elbow will come out.) Make all of these holes as exact as you can.
To make the elbow, take a soup can and cut off the top. Take a 2nd soup can and cut off the top and bottom. Carefully cut a hole in the side of the 1st can (at the bottom) and slip the 2nd can into the hole. Put your elbow inside the #10 can and bring the end of the elbow (2nd can) out of the hole you have cut into the side.
To extend the elbow upwards, take a 3rd soup can, remove the top and bottom, cut it completely up the side and squeeze it together to fit it into the top of the 1st can. Adjust it so it comes to an inch from the top of the #10 can.
Fill the can around the elbow with your insulation to about 2 inches from the top.
Take the lid that you cut from the #10 can and cut a hole in the center just large enough for your soup can to come through. Push this lid over the soup can and onto the insulation.
To make the “shelf” for your wood, take your 4th soup can and cut off the top and the bottom. Cut it up the side, flatten it out and cut it into a 3” x 3 3/4” piece. Shape this piece into a small "T", making the top of the T 3” wide and the bottom 2 ¼” inch wide so it can just fit inside your 2nd soup can. Making it into a “T” keeps the shelf from going all the way into the soup can.
The small grate or rack goes on top of your #10 can to hold your pots or pans as you cook.
To start your fire, push a small amount of paper under the shelf and place twigs on top of the shelf. Light the paper with a match. When the twigs start to burn, put your larger sticks on top of the twigs. Push them through as they burn and add more wood as necessary. You may want to make a larger rocket stove or more than one so you can cook several things at once. Unlimited ideas can be found online if you Google rocket stove.

If you google rocket stove and go to the site that is 20 minutes in length, you'll see how to make the somewhat larger version. For the video, cut and paste:
By having a rocket stove I've been able to add many more foods (like pancakes and fry bread!) to my food storage and I'm better prepared for rainy days without having to add a large amount of fuel to my storage.
3/10 I've had a lot of comments on this subject. Of course, you can buy a rocket stove, but it's going to cost you over $50 with s/h. I've made 3 of them and it takes about 1/2 an hour and is actually pretty fun!
 T he first picture is a rocket oven (NOT a solar oven) It's made by Grover and runs about $95. It can bake bread or other foods and is used on top of a rocket stove. This would be great for those of you who don't have a lot of sun for the solar ovens. I'm pretty sure you can make your own but I haven't found instructions yet.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Preparedness Fair - May 15, 2010

Are you prepared?
Community Emergency Preparedness Fair

In a major disaster, such as a severe earthquake, roads may become impassable, emergency services may be unavailable, and federal help could be delayed if airports and transportation networks are damaged.  For this reason, it is important to prepare in advance, for whatever may come.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Golden Road Church Building
5580 SE Golden Rd, Hillsboro, 97123


-         Fire safety demonstration including a fire truck and crew
-         Booths with information on what you can do to prepare for earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, severe storms, flooding, landslides, and other disasters that can occur in and around Oregon
-         On-hand experts to discuss food and water storage, 72 hour kits, ham radio networks, gardening, and other preparation-related topics
-         Information about CERT and the Neighborhood Watch Program

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Water Barrel Order

Are you interested in purchasing 55-gallon plastic barrels for water storage?

Group price is $62. each (Sold individually-$109.)
Spigot (hose bib) $2.66 each.

here for product information about the barrels.

If interested, please send an email to Betty Buckner at

Here are a couple of ways to store 55-gallon water barrels -- one for two barrels and one for six barrels.
To download the plan for this two-barrel storage rack, click here.

Interested in having someone build the two-barrel storage rack for you? Let Betty know. She has a source for that too.
To download the plan for this six-barrel storage rack, click here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Berry Order!!

BERRY TIME IS HERE!!!!!  If you took advantage of the sale last summer you know this is a good thing.   If this is all new to you, you are in for a real treat.  Fresh Oregon berries that are washed and ready for freezing, jamming or eating.   The berries come in buckets and are washed and stemmed.  The strawberries are sliced and  in a 30 lb bucket and an 18 lb box with 6 - 3lb plastic containers for easy freezer storage. The marionberries and raspberries come in 15 lb buckets and are whole. Because they are so big, the blueberries will come in 14 lb. buckets.  All berries are unsweetened 

S A M E  P R I C E S  A S  L A S T  Y E A R !!!!! 

In the past  members of the ward has participated in this great opportunity.  They are awesome berries.   All the berries come from the Silverton area.

All money and orders must be to Leigh Anne Wilkes by Monday May 17th
This can be done by 1) mailing check and copy of the order to Leigh Anne Wilkes, 15331 NW Eugene Lane, Portland, OR 97229 or give it to me at church
Berries need to be picked up at either Harrington’s or Rowland’s both live on SE Daren St. Hillsboro 97123.  Exact address to come later.
The last thing is the pick-up dates and times.  These are non-negotiable.  If it’s hot the longer they sit the more chance of spoilage.  The strawberries will be delivered Thurs. June 3rd, marionberries and raspberries Thurs. July 1st, and blueberries Thurs. July 22nd.   The delivery dates may change one week either way due to weather. 



These local berries are washed, hulled and unsweetened. The strawberries are sliced and others are whole. All are in food grade buckets. Strawberries are 30 lb. bucket or 18lb which consists of 6 - 3lb plastic containers for easy freezer storage. This is a great time to buy for your food storage needs.

Make checks out to  Leigh Anne Wilkes

MONEY AND ORDERS DUE BY ________May 17th__________

Please have order and check to Leigh Anne Wilkes by May  17th\
Name Phone #

Strawberries Th 6/03
30 lb/$42

Strawberries Th 6/03
18 lb/$37
6/3lb containers

Marionberries Th 7/1
15 lb/$37

Raspberries Th 7/1
15 lb/$42

Blueberries Th 7/22
14 lb/$37

Total Pd


Monday, April 19, 2010

Canning Butter

Here is a great tutorial for canning butter to add to your food storage!

Thanks to Beckie Goodfellow for passing it on.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Great Buys April 4 - 13

Fred Meyer            Texas Red Grapefruit    5/$1    (10)            April 4 - 13
                                Anjou Pears    79c/lb
                                FM 16 oz Cottage Cheese/Sour Cream    99c
                                FM 15 0z Canned Pasta w/ meat    75c
                                FM 32 oz Yogurt    2/$3
                                26-30 ct /1lb Bag EZ peel Shrimp    $4.99/lb
                                Alaskan Whole sockeye Salmon PF   $3.99/lb
                                Beef Loin T-Bone Steaks    $4.99/lb
 w/ad coupon         Kroger 2# Med Cheddar cheese    $3.99    (1)
                                11.5-12 oz Doritos Chips    3/$5    (3)
                                7.25-15 oz Chef Boyardee canned Pasta    79c    (6)
                                FM 14.5-15 oz Canned Tomotoes/Beans    2/$1`(10)
                                4-6oz Yoplait Yogurt    10/$4    (10)
Safeway    w/store card    5# Clementine Tangerines    $4.99        April 7-13
                                            4-6 oz Yoplait Yogurt    10/$5
                                            11.9-32.7 oz Di Giorno Frozen Pizza    $3.99
                                            Safeway variety Breads    2/$3
                                            London Broil Beef    $1.99/lb
                                            Dairy Glen Gal Milk    $1.99
    w/ad coupon &
     $10 Purchase              12 oz Trans Ocean Crab Classic 99c    (2)
                                            5# Russet Potatoes    78c    (2)
                                            Johnsionville Smoke Sausage/Bratwurst    $1.99    (5)
 Thriftway                 5# Clementine Tangerines    $3.99 
                                 Navel Oranges    59c/lb
                                 Fuji Apples    79c/lb
                                 Catfish/True Cod Fillet    $3.99/lb
                                 Fresh Steelhead Fillet    $5.99/lb
                                 Fresh Arrowtooth Fillet    $2.29/lb
       w/ad coupon    16oz WF Cottage Cheese    99c    (2)
     +$10 purchase  Thriftwaqy/WF Gal Milk    99c    (1)
Haggen                   Iceberg Lettuce    2/$1    (4)
                                 5.27-22.1 oz Red Baron Pizza    $2.99
    Fri 9 - 11 sale     La Panette Bread    99c
                                14 oz Calidad Tortilla chips    99c    (2)
Albertsons  w/store card    Assorted 18-32 oz Post cereals    $1.49    (4)
                    w/ad coupon    7.25oz Kraft Mac & Cheese    2/$1    (4)
QFC    w/store card    Dole Bananas    59c/lb
                                      18 oz Kroger Peanut Butter    $1.29
                                      Savings on Assorted Kellog's Cereals    (must buy 4)
                                      Savings on assorted General Mills Cereals    (must buy 4)